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Nutrition: Foraging In Your Own Backyard

Nutrition: Foraging in Your Own Backyard

Spring is a great time to get outdoors and collect a number of edible wild plants with nutritional and medicinal benefits. These plants are great additions to soups, salads and…

Nutrition: How Important are Vitamins?

by Dr. Kurt Tischhauser | Paracelsus Clinic, Switzerland You have surely heard controversial statements regarding the necessary or even unnecessary intake (supplementation) of vitamins. Is there ever really a shortage?…

Exercise And Your DNA

Exercise and Your DNA

The genetic DNA that we are born with may not change, but the growing field of epigenetics is looking at the factors that influence how our genes are expressed. Researchers…

What’s in Your Personal Care Products?

by Abigail Haines Smith, Biological Medicine Network Manager With longer daylight hours but brisk temperatures outdoors, March is the perfect month to start spring cleaning! On my list is the…

Wintertime- how important are vitamins?

by Dr. Kurt Tischhauser | Paracelsus Clinic, Switzerland You have surely heard controversial statements regarding the necessary or even unnecessary intake (supplementation) of vitamins. Is there ever really a shortage?…

Treatment Therapies

Biological Medicine therapies support the body's normal powers of regeneration, regulation and healing. These therapies may include detoxification cleanses, dietary changes, homeopathic remedies, nutritional supplements, neural therapy, dental care, colon…

Biological Denstistry

Dentistry is an integral part of Biological Medicine. The teeth are related to the overall health of each patient, and dental treatment is an essential element that gives medical practitioners…

Creative Lives

Creative Lives

SEARCH FOR BURIED TREASURE: Discovering the Creative Potential in Public Schools At Creative Lives we consider public schools to be one of our greatest resources for transforming national well-being. Healthy…

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