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Hold It to Heal It: Healing Trauma and Disease with Biological Medicine

August 6th, 2024 – 12 noon ET


Featured Guest Speakers: Dr. Dickson Thom, DDS, ND, The BioMed Center and Julie Thom, Human Movement Specialist, Fitomize Fitness

“There is a crack in everything, that’s how the light gets in.” – Leonard Cohen

How do we access our own buried history in order to heal the present? What happened to us in the past—even the things we don’t recall—can have a negative impact on our health later in life. As a result, we see how chronic illness becomes a byproduct of our ignored or misunderstood past. Perhaps it shows up years later as hypertension, disordered eating, diabetes, arthritis, depression, or even cancer. As they say, the body really does keep the score.

The pathway to healing is to shift the buried past into the spacious present; only then can we truly move forward and heal. Through proven techniques rooted in natural therapies and Biological Medicine—think emotional regulation, energy healing, nutraceuticals, homeopathy, mindful movement, etc.—we can be our own archeologists unearthing the darkened past and exposing it in the light of day.

Put simply, we can begin to understand and hold the experiences of the past in order to move from dis-ease and survival mode to optimal health and vitality. By attuning to the mind-body connection in this way, we can begin to shift subconscious trauma histories to the conscious level in order to process, transform, heal, and grow!

This special one-hour presentation will give you a sneak preview of what to expect at the forthcoming in-person workshop on October 25th – 27th at the Omega Institute!

During this BioBites, you will:

  • Learn how trauma manifests as chronic dis-ease or dysregulation.
  • Understand Biological Medicine and the Brain Protocol.
  • Discover the role energetics play in your health.
  • Watch demonstrations of simple trauma-releasing exercises that you can do at-home.
  • Ask questions that relate directly to your personal healing journey.

… And more!

Please join us on Tuesday, August 6th, 2024 at 12:00 p.m. ET, for this special presentation of BioBites with father-daughter duo, Dr. Dickson Thom and Julie Thom, from the popular “Connecting with the Thom’s” podcast. Watch as they co-create an hour of conceptual understanding and somatic experiencing that will expand your awareness of the mind-body connection. Dr. Thom, DDS, ND, is the author of Begin Again: Trauma, Disease, and Healing with the Brain Protocol and Biological Medicine. Julie Thom is a trauma movement therapist, health coach, and owner of Fitomize Fitness.

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